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New Hampshire Primary Tonight, Nikki Haley Is A Terrible Liberal, Oakland In-N-Out Closing, Leftist Get Mad When You Tell Them The People They Voted For Are The Reason Why Bay Area Businesses Are Closing, Will Ferrell Made A Movie About “Transgenders” Because His Best Friend Thinks He’s The Opposite Sex Now, Will Ferrell Is A Leftist Retard, Will Ferrell Is Pushing For Sex Change Operations, Texas Pushing Back Against Supreme Court Ruling To Remove Barb Wire, Amy Coney Barrett Is A Sell Out, Liz Cheney Coming To Speak In The Far-Left Bay Area, Elon Musk Is. Jewish First Loser, Great Replacement Theory, RINO Republicans, Liberal Policy Is The Root Of Store Closures, Trump Says Mike Johnson Is For Strong Borders WHICH IS FALSE + Much More Fuckery!

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