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Donald Trump Found Guilty Of 34 Felony Accounts Which Can Land Him In Prison For 4 Years, Left-wing Normies Are Happy, Trump Should Stop Shilling To Israel Because Jews Are Definitely Pulling The Strings On This Guilty Conviction, Judge – Jurors – District Attorney Are All Rigged And All Corrupt, Liberal Agenda Is the Mainstream Establishment Agenda, Trump Should Completely Distance Himself From The Establishment, Conservative Candidates Will Always Be Under Attack, Liberal Media Is Biased And Anyone With A Brain Knows It, Trump Probably Won’t Do Any Time In Prison, Previous Presidents Are The Real Criminals, Ron DeSantis, Brainwashed Idiots Annoy Me, NORMIES Think Donald Trump Is Hitler, Israel First Mike Johnson Has No Say, George W. Bush Is N Actual Criminal, All This Goes Back To Jews & The Establishment They Are In Charge Of, Elites, Globalists, Supreme Court Could Step In, Trump Is In A Lose Lose Situation, News Believing NORMIES, Jury Was Already Exposed – They All Hate Trump, Not A Political War – This Is All A Spiritual War, You Never Give The Establishment An Inch, Trump Has Got To Go Rogue And Say Fuck Everyone!, + Much More Fuckery!

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